Friday, April 10th at 7:00pm – 11:00pm EST in the privacy of
your home- world-wide Please join PMA International’s Healing and
Prayer Network in this world wide prayer , fasting and candle lighting
event. We value your participation.
Topic; The healing and restoration of the mother and child bond. All
beliefs are welcome. This is an all inclusive event for all protective
mothers and their supporters. Simply light a candle with us or join our
PMA Intl. prayer warriors for deep prayer and/or abstinence from solid
foods. Please feel free to join us in any or all aspects of this event.
Fast- if you choose -in a variety of ways available to do so. IE: If you
love coffee you may choose to abstain from your usual morning cup yet
continue to eat as always. Please research the different types of fast.
Please check with your doctor first before eliminating all solid foods.
If you have a medical condition please just join us in lighting a candle
and/or prayer or choose to eliminate certain foods which will not harm
your health. Lets join forces around the world with common focus, prayer
and intention towards this issue while lifting our voices up as one
towards the heavens, requesting and manifesting change. In peace and
love xo