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Monday, September 15, 2014

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

A Small Collection from PMA INTL’s “Love Letters to our Children” Campaign

Below is a sample collection of original Protective Mother poems, and poems about motherhood from published authors.
Please join our Love Letters To Our Children event on facebook and our PMA International  Website /Blog-word press . We value your participation.

Protective Mothers Alliance International Facebook Event:
Protective Mothers Alliance International Web site/ blog – Word Press:


Your Mother is always with you.
She’s the whisper of the leaves as you walk down the street.
She’s the smell of certain foods you remember, flowers you pick and
perfume that she wore.
She’s the cool hand on your brow when you’re not feeling well.
She’s your breath in the air on a cold winter’s day.
She is the sound of the rain that lulls you to sleep, the colors of a
rainbow. She is Christmas morning.
Your Mother lives inside your laughter.
She’s crystallized in every teardrop.
A mother shows every emotion ………. happiness, sadness, fear,
jealousy, love, hate, anger, helplessness, excitement, joy,
sorrow… and all the while, hoping and praying you will only know the good
feelings in life. She’s the place you came from, your first home, and she’s
the map you follow with every step you take.
She’s your first love; your first friend, even your first enemy, but
nothing on earth can separate you. Not time, not space…not
even death!

Author: unknown

“I’m here. I love you. I don’t care if you need to stay up crying all night long, I will stay with you. There’s nothing you can ever do to lose my love.
I will protect you until you die, and after your death I will still protect you. I am stronger than Depression and I am braver than Loneliness and nothing will ever exhaust me.” — Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat, Pray, Love)

I miss my daughter so much. I miss her voice, her big brown eyes, her smile. I use to sing her upon request every night You are my sunshine and now that has been robbed from me.

There are those who say that this is ordinary. But don’t let that fool you. “Mother” will always be the bravest, least ordinary, most difficult and utterly challenging career that anyone ever hopes to lay claim to.
While others might hear, “diaper-changer, food-maker, car-pooler, bottle-washer, laundry-doer, sweat pants-wearer, life-on-hold” wanna be doing anything else woman, the Truth, whether it feels like it some days or not, is that you are in fact a shelter from the storm.
You are a Cape of Good Hope.
You are a warrior who will battle for your children’s hearts, souls, attention, innocence, education and memories.
Go to battle my friends. This is your time.
We will hold strong on either side of you. We will pray over those bottles, through the dark watches of the night, when doubt comes and children break, when adults fail them, when they push and push as hard against us as that day we delivered them into the world we. will. not. be broken.
We may ache and see cracks tear through our hearts, but we will get up again tomorrow and load the clothes and the words that need to be said. Again and again and again.
And when the world tries to claw at them, to break them, to smash the beauty in them, may our walls hold true. May the lessons we’ve told, the truths we’ve lived, the life we’ve spoken into them come back easily, predictably, with wash and repeat ease.
Kingdom business. Jesus work. This shaping of souls. This raising tiny humans.
There are those that say that this is ordinary. Don’t buy that for a second.
Mighty. You are mighty, because you mother.
Mighty/ Lisa-joe Baker

I write this, I am in tears. I want to hug you after all of these years. My heart is still broken, I wish the pain would go away. I miss your sweet smile and your laugh too. I wish you were closer so I could just hug you. I missed your voice change and all the young man stuff. I wanted to be with you through all of growing up but that was taken from me, it has been so rough. I love dearly with all of my heart. Please God let my son know how much he is loved!

For my boys
By S.L
I love you.. you amazing boys..
I love you to the moon and stars
And beyond
My two brave children
Growing up to fast
With knowledge that exceeds your years
Of injustice that did you wrong
I saw you fight and stand your ground
To be trumpled on.. but you carried on
You are brave Young warroirs
Who said no more
With hearts of gold
I believed you boys.
In the face of the deep dark court
You stood your ground
I know you face the man behind the mask
I love you my children
Its never a life I wanted for you
One day you’ll be older
And your wish of peace in your life
Will come very true.
With love.. Mum

It’s hard
by S.S
It’s hard to bear the pain alone
It’s hard to make your beds
And throw out the scraps of toys
That have no use now you are gone
It’s hard to get up every day
Without your warmth by my side
It’s hard to hear the house so still
Pull out from cupboard one set of clothes
One foot in front of the other
One task followed by the next
Focused on present so I can give you
The richness of mama not destroyed
I thought I would give up without you
I thought I would flee and turn away
Yet holding on greater to hope here am I
A strong woman and mother for you, I pray
Love you now and always

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Using The Internet Safely, While Advocating For Your Personal Custody Case

PMA International always has safety as our leading priority. In light of this, PMA international will not release personal information and/or personal custody information about protective mothers and their children who are in active litigation. PMA International will not sponsor, endorse or support any event or activity that is engaging in the above due to the risk involved.( The only excepts to the above is at the discretion of PMA International’s Co-Founders and/or Executive Director Janice Levinson and Lundy Bancroft). PMA International advises protective mothers to be extremely cautious in revealing any personal custody details along with personal information about themselves and their children on the internet. Doing so, might prove to be very risky to you and your children’s personal safety and the outcome of your case.
Some safety tips for protective mothers to consider before deciding whether or not to reveal case details and personal information on the internet especially if you are in active litigation;

1. Posts on the internet create a historical footprint of you name and your child’s name which is very different if not impossible to remove.
2. Once your post is made public you have no control over who reads and shares your information.
3. Once your children become older they will most likely come across this information and this may affect your relationship.
4. Once older, your children’s peers will most likely come across this information and this may impact their friendships. In addition, this action may create your children being targets for bullies.
5. If you post personal details about your court case your judge and other court officials involved may read it and this might be used against you. Even if you post your information with the best of intentions, this does not mean court officials will see it the way you do.
6. You must be certain not to post your location or any information that could allow your abuser to find you or your children.
7. Do not use locator and map applications on face book and phones.
8. Be aware of pictures posted online that could reveal your location.
9. Caution your friends not to tag you in anything online that might reveal your location.
10. We all know when abusers are exposed the abuse escalates. Be careful about posting online custody information and personal details that could escalate abuse and endanger you and your children.
11. Be cautious and do your research on anyone asking for your personal and custody information. Also be very cautious with whom you decide to entrust your personal and custody information.

PMA International is an advocacy organization and we are not trying to discourage you from advocating for your personal custody case. We support protective mothers advocating for themselves in creative and cautious ways as to not endanger, themselves, their children and risk the outcome of their case.

The PMA International Team

PMA’s Q and A ; Ex parte Communication With The Judge

PMA’s Q and A ; Ex parte Communication With The Judge

PMA International has recently received several emails from Protective Moms ( P.M’s) having questions about contacting the judge in their custody case. They also have questions about friends or relatives contacting the judge on their behalf to advocate and/ or be a character witness for them. Protective Moms feel that this might be a positive way for the judge to directly hear their point of view and advocate for their case. Also, if the moms do not have an attorney they are not quite sure of proper procedure in regards to communicating with the judge.
In light of these questions PMA International is responding with the below information.
IMPORTANT: PMA INTL DOES NOT GIVE LEGAL ADVICE. The information on this website/blog is not intended to serve as legal advice or as a guarantee, warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of any particular legal matter. If you have a legal problem, seek professional legal counsel.
Questions About Ex Parte Communication
1.What is “ex parte communication”?
Ex parte communication is when one party directly contacts a judge, or has someone else (a “third party”) contact a judge on their behalf to speak about the issues of the case, ask for changes, share information or otherwise discuss an ongoing case. Ex parte communication includes the actions of one party, an attorney acting for a client, or a “third party” such as friends, family members, professional organizations and others acting on behalf of one party.
Ex parte communication is considered to be one sided because the other party involved in the case has no knowledge of the contact being made, and is not privy to the information being shared. Ex parte communication includes: e-mail, fax messages, text messages, social media exchanges, written letters, phone calls, voice mails and petitions made directly to the Judge on the behalf of one party.
2. Why Can’t I Talk or Write to my Family Court Judge? Why Can’t I have Other People Contact my Family Court Judge for me?
Generally, ex parte communications are not allowed. Under the Judicial Code of Conduct, a Family Court Judge cannot allow or consider “ex parte communication” when making a decision on a case, unless allowed by the law.
Think about it: would you want the other party contacting the Judge without your knowledge or consent and having a discussion about important issues in your case and you are not allowed to be present or give your side of the story? Probably not.
3.Why is ex parte communication not allowed?
Ex parte or “one sided” communication to a judge is not allowed in order to preserve the law, and maintain neutrality in the courts. The ban on ex part communication ensures that the Judge makes a ruling based only on the facts and evidence in the case. It also helps to ensure fairness in the courts, because all parties are given the same information as the Judge who is presiding over the case. If a party disagrees with the information, they can contest it in court. Ex parte communication protects litigants by ensuring information is shared in open court, not in secret or closed-door meetings.
The California Court of Appeal is clear on this issue: “Unless expressly authorized by law, ex parte contacts between the court and counsel are always ill-advised and violate the State Bar Rules of Professional Conduct when such contacts deal with the merits of a pending, contested matter. (Citation to predecessor to Rule 5-300.) Moreover, unauthorized ex parte contacts of whatever nature erode public confidence in the administration of justice, the very cement by which the system holds together.” In re Jonathan S. (1979) 88 Cal.App.3d 468. (Source: SDBCA Legal Ethics Opinion 2013-2)
An attorney who attempts ex parte communication, and speaks to a Judge about issues related to an ongoing court case may face disciplinary action. A party who attempts ex part communication will usually be given a warning it is not allowed, if they persist in attempting contact with a Judge, they may face punitive action. A Judge who engages in ex parte communication could also face disciplinary action.
4 Is Ex Parte Communication Ever Allowed?
In certain cases the law allows for certain types of ex parte communication.
“Why do I dread considering ex parte custody motions? Because I know that I am being asked to make an important, high-risk, decision without complete – and occasionally with false – information. I do not have the other side’s story and I have only an affidavit or verified motion from the Movant, which cannot be cross-examined. On top of all of this, time is usually short…While we may dislike these difficult situations, we will continue to face them because emergency custody orders can be an important tool in protecting children ” Judge Martin B. “Marty” McGee, 2011: One Judge’s View Of Ex Parte Custody Order
Note; PMA International is very aware of the MISUSE of exparte orders by corrupt family court. Many protective mothers have reported to us, and some PMA International leaders, have lost custody due to bogus corrupt exparte orders.

Communication about scheduling or case status is allowed (you will usually speak to a court clerk). In emergency situations the Judge can proceed with a hearing without the other party being present or issue temporary orders. This commonly happens when a Judge issues an Order for Protection or Harassment Restraining Order to protect a victim of domestic violence or stalking. Other types of emergency ex parte hearings are allowed to protect a child from imminent physical injury, sexual abuse or abduction. Following an ex parte order, a hearing is later scheduled to allow both parties to discuss the issue in open court.
Please check your state’s statues for specifics on ex parte communication, and how the law works.
5.How do I get the Judge to Hear What I Have to Say?
If you want the Judge to hear your argument or review evidence, you must follow the laws in your state governing family court procedure. In most cases, this means filing a motion and serving the other party with a copy of your motion. A hearing before a Judge is then scheduled.
In many states, the person filing the motion must attempt to resolve the issue outside of court (mediation) before filing the motion; so be sure you have met the court’s requirements when filing. If you need help with a legal matter, please contact a legal professional. Many courts also offer legal clinics to assist with basic legal questions and give instructions on how to properly file a motion.
Read More:
2014 California Rules of Conduct, Rule 5.235. Ex parte communication in child custody proceedings:
Hawai’i State Judiciary, “Why Can’t I Write or Talk to the Judge?”:
Family Law Section, North Carolina Bar Association, “One Judge’s Views of Ex Parte Custody Orders” by Judge Martin B. “Marty” McGee:
SDBCA Legal Ethics Opinion 2013-2, Adopted by the San Diego County Bar Legal Ethics Committee April 16, 2013 (Ex parte communications between attorneys and judges):

Thursday, May 29, 2014

What Does The Quote That “58,000 Children Are Sent to Live With Abusers Every Year” Mean? / E.J Perth U.S.A Regional Director , Healing and Prayer Administrator- PMA International

By E.J Perth

What does the quote that “58,000 children are sent to live with abusers every year” mean?

Actual Quote: “According to a conservative estimate by experts at the Leadership Council on Child Abuse and Interpersonal Violence (LC), more than 58,000 children a year are ordered into unsupervised contact with physically or sexually abusive parents following divorce in the United States. This is over twice the yearly rate of new cases of childhood cancer.”

This number is an estimate, the link below explains how the LC came to that number in 2008. I have not seen current numbers.

CONTACT is explained as ,”This number includes BOTH those who are left in the sole care of an abuser and those who are required to have unsupervised visits.

“The LC admits they used estimates because there was a lack of information in certain areas.

The LCl says courts often fail to detect family violence so children’s lives are put into danger, “Once placed with an abusive parent or forced to visit, children will continue to be exposed to parental violence and abuse until they reach 18. Thus, we estimate that half a million children will be affected in the US at any point of time. Many of these children will suffer physical and psychological damage which may take a lifetime to heal.”

WE NEED UPDATED studies and evaluations to get current information, and be able to analyze trends in family courts, and what its failures are today. Updated info will also help determine how interventions in family court are working.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Common Responses After Losing a Child (for Protective Moms)/ E. J Perth PMA INTL. USA Regional Director, Healing & Prayer Network Administrator

family court abuse/corruption

Common Responses After Losing a Child (for Protective Moms)/ E. J Perth PMA INTL. USA Regional Director, Healing & Prayer Network Administrator

Screen Shot 2014-03-18 at 11.00.45 PM
A list of common responses/reactions after losing a child in a family court proceeding
I feel it is important to distinguish the loss and being related to family court proceedings because often times the process involves factors that re-traumatize the family and prolong any possibility of stabilizing the family. In essence, there is a distinct type of grief that follows losing a child due to unjust proceedings that villify a parent trying to protect their children.
Mothers who loose their children in family court proceedings often experience (and report):
* Character assassination and/or emotional abuse of the mother (who may be labelled as having “Parental Alienation Syndrome” or “Malicious Mom Syndrome”)
* Minimizing past abuse and its affects/Minimizing the current danger
* Legal proceedings that deny a mother of her legal rights
* Feeling threatened or coerced by court personnel
*Expensive legal or court costs, often resulting in severe financial hardship (I have heard of mothers losing their home and being forced to work several jobs, in which their contact with their children becomes even more limited)
* Re-traumatization
* Inability to protect children combined with valid concerns the children may still be in danger
* Children forcibly removed from the home (a majority of these mothers were primary caregivers)
* Mothers denied contact with children–these children are oftn abruptly, and without warning removed from their homes, their community, their friends and any connection to the mother
* Mothers being compelled into supervised visitation to see children, and may be exposed to other abusers (I have actually heard of a woman who took the bus to supervised visitation, and was stalked by an alleged abuser when leaving the premisis)
* Inability to get help or support for herself. Mothers may have their medical and psychological records subpoened by the court and/or their abuser, in which she degraded or labelled based on the findings and then forced to “prove” she is a fit mother. Mothers may also become isolated because they feel others do not understand their situation. It is common for people to feel overwhelmed hearing these stories and then to be unable to provide support. The financial depletion caused by family court may also limit a woman’s ability to seek help. Not to mention the woman may be so overwhelmed that she does not have the energy to get the help she may need.
* DV by Proxy ; the abuser manipulating the children, or using them in ways to hurt, intimidate or harass the mother (Ie using children to send messages to the mother, telling the children false information about the mother, threatening to harm the children, threatening to take the children, etc..)
Mothers who loose their children in this way often experience:
* Physical Illness (including but not limited to headaches, ulcers, vomiting, fatigue and exhaustion)
* Anxiety/Panic Attacks
* Depression
* Guilt/Shame/ Self-Blame, particularly around issues that they failed or could not protect their children
* Flashbacks (The court proceedings may trigger memories of abuse, or legitimate fears)
* Binge Eating and/or Lack of Appetite, Nausea
* Insomnia
* Shock (A combination of all these factors, feeling numb, unable to perform daily tasks, feeling as if she is living in a fog, lack of memory/concentration, tremors/trembling, hot flashes etc)
* A surge of emotion/adrenaline
* Hyperventilating
* Post Traumatic Stress
* Avoidance (Especially around areas that remind them of their children. It would be common to even avoid social places and friends)
* Withdrawl
* Anger
* Fear
* Fits of Crying — There are often triggers. (When I lost my child, I remember avoiding the grocery store because I would pass my child’s favorite treats, think of my child, and start to cry. It got to the point where I could not even remember what I wanted in the grocery store because I was so upset.)
* Memory Loss/Concentration Difficulties
THIS DOES NOT MEAN THE MOTHER IS MENTALLY ILL OR UNSTABLE, these are typical responses to the loss of a child in combination with the extreme stress of being involved in family court proceedings that are perceived as unjust, and which a mother has no control over. It takes time to work through the grief and emotions of losing your child, and being involved in family court proceedings–these response may emerge and change as the mother processes what has happened.
I found it helpful to be part of a domestic violence group, hosted by a battered women’s shelter. The group is confidential and does not keep records. I was able to talk with other women and learn tools on how to cope, and rebuild my life. There is hope–Stay strong.
Blessings ~ EJ Perth, PMA Intl.USA Regional Director, Healing & Prayer Network Administrator
If you have anything to add to this list, please add a comment. Please keep remain respectful. Any derogatory language will be deleted. Remember PMA is a NO ABUSE ZONE! Thank you for keep it friendly :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Welcome to PMA International’s ” Unstoppable Mothers”

Protective Mothers Alliance International (PMA) has launched “Unstoppable Mothers”, a powerful photo and essay project to give voice to Protective Mothers and their Children.
The photos depict the loss and grief a Protective Mother experiences when she is forcibly separated from her child(ren) due to family court injustice, or the events she missed in the life of her child.

The essays, in Protective Moms’ own words, are common real life family court situations. Protective Mothers reveal the most outrageous action a judge took in their case. OR, the Protective Mom shares what she has missed most about not being in her child’s life.

How Can You Participate?

Protective mothers may send quotes to the comment section on PMA INTL’s Guardian of Truth Blog. A specific page on this blog has been set up just for this project. ( link below)
PMA INTL will put the “Unstoppable Mother’s” quote on a sign and take a picture for the project.
Some signs with quotes will be combined with missed milestone pictures taken by PMA INTL’s talented protective mothers, highlighting their creativity and photography skills.
All signs, quotes, and pictures will be posted on the Unstoppable Mothers’ special page within the “Guardian Of Truth” WP Blog ( link below)

Some feedback about “Unstoppable Mothers’” photo and essay project;
“Beautiful photography by talented PMA protective mothers, coupled with heartbreaking real life stories of loss in the mothers’ own words. Another stunning PMA Intl. project to raise awareness. TY Janice, Lundy and all the PMA moms!!”
“Participating in this project was very empowering and gave me hope”
“Thank you for capturing a protective mother’s powerful story through her own words and beautiful pictures .”
“Thank you for giving us moms a voice along with gorgeous visuals from talented protective mothers.”
” Powerful”

Now that we all understand how to participate and what the ground rules are for this project, Protective Mothers’ Alliance International invites you into our project. We ask you to brace yourselves, step slowly , carefully and steal a tiny glimpse , taste a tiny sample bite of what life is like as a protective mother. An unstoppable protective mother, enduring one of the darkest atrocities known in the history of our civilization.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Portrait of an Emotional Abuser: The Silent Treatment Abuser/ Dr. Gregory Jantz’s Blog

” By not verbally expressing that anger, by “avoiding” showing anger, the abuser is allowed to feel as if the victim is the only person at fault for whatever wrong is perceived by the abuser.” Dr. Gregory Jantz
Sylvia entered the quiet house. When she had pulled up in the driveway after work, she hadn’t seen any lights on in the
front of the house, but Jim’s car was parked in its normal place. So he was home. It meant he was in the den at the back of the house instead of in the living room. What have I done now? she thought to herself?
Jim always retreated to the den when he was mad at her. The more she bothered him and tried to find out what was wrong, the longer he would stay inside, not speaking to her. It was best if she just went about her business in the house as quietly as possible, trying to stay out of his way and waiting for him to either snap out of it or blow up and tell her what she had done wrong. She couldn’t force him to respond, and over the years she had gotten used to his behavior.
No discussion of emotional abuse through words would be complete without including the absence of words as a form of abuse. This is commonly known as the “silent treatment.” Abusers punish their victims by refusing to speak to them or even acknowledge their presence. Through silence, the abusers loudly communicate their displeasure, anger, frustration, or disappointment.
Depending on the person, this silent treatment can last for hours, days, or weeks. For some abusers, it is a preferred method of communication because of its ability to humiliate and control the victim. It is used most effectively by those in close relationship, such as a spouse, parent, or child. The silence, the loss of verbal relationship, is meant to exact an emotional toll on the other person, who often will go to great lengths to attempt to restore communication with the abuser.
This level of control is precisely what the abuser is looking for, as well as a way to vent his or her anger at the other person.
By not verbally expressing that anger, by “avoiding” showing anger, the abuser is allowed to feel as if the victim is the only person at fault for whatever wrong is perceived by the abuser. If the victim responds to the silent treatment with anger, the abuser is doubly vindicated.
The above is excerpted from chapter 4 in Healing the Scars of Emotional Abuse by Dr. Gregory Jantz.

Monday, April 14, 2014

PMA International’s Official Response to Various Misunderstandings About PMA

PMA INTL Guardian Of Truth

Dear Protective Mothers, Advocates, and Supporters;

We have recently been made aware of some comments on the internet involving PMA International , and we wish to respond. PMA International is issuing this statement to address misunderstandings about PMA, and to continue expressing our support to those struggling with family court abuse, corruption, and DV by Proxy issues.

Statement 1:
PMA International refuses to acknowledge that mothers and women can also be abusers.

PMA International Responds:

PMA INTL is very clear about this issue, which has been addressed on our blog and website describing our No Abuse Zone Policy . See below

“PMA International recognizes that there are different types of abuse and abusers are not gender specific”

For the rest of our No Abuse Zone Policy please visit:

Statement 2:

There is” bickering, ” “in fighting”,” arguing” and “war” in the Mother’s Movement between PMA, Lundy Bancroft, Janice Levinson, and AMPP/ Claudine Dombrowski. It’s been stated that what is happening between the two organizations is a “turf war” or one organization excoriating the other. This statement has also been addressed on our blog ( see below)

PMA Responds:
PMA INTL has been under attack for 4 years by Claudine Dombrowski, and AMPP . The nature of these attack includes cyberstalking, identity theft, threatening the life of the Executive Director Janice Levinson and is clearly the dynamic of an abuser stalking it’s victim.

“PMA INTL wants to be very clear that there is no” bickering, ” “in fighting”,” arguing” “war” or any other word that might imply mutuality about this AMPP issue. This is a common misconception about this sad situation. This is a very clear case of abuser and target This is the epitome of cyber bullying. PMA never responds in kind to these attacks, PMA in no way initiates these attacks. Understand these attacks have been going on for four years. PMA does not create hate sights targeting protective mothers, for abuse. This is a VERY IMPORTANT distinction that must be made.”

For the rest of this official PMA INTL.statement please visit;
In addition, is is very important to note that Claudine and AMPP have launched similar attacks on other protective mothers/advocates that are not PMA members or affiliated with PMA International. Because of PMA’s no abuse zone policy ( see above) we do not work with abusers, and thus do not work with AMPP or any of Claudine Dombrowski/ AMPP’s supporters or promoters.

Statement 3:
PMA INTL has been falsely accused of profiting off the Moms, these are statements made from both Claudine and from father’s rights organizations.

PMA INTL Responds:
PMA INTL is an all-volunteer grassroots organization. We do not get funding from any source. We do not charge membership fees. All of our events and projects are free of cost for anyone who wishes to join, and participate. We welcome all Protective Mothers and Supporters to be a PMA International Member/Supporter, for more information please visit:

Statement 4:
It has been stated that PMA INTL believes all men are abusers.

PMA Responds:
Our co-founder is Lundy Bancroft, who has offered his male perspective as well as his professional expertise to our organization. We also have created a network called, Man Up for Moms (M.U.M.). M.U.M is headed by a male PMA International Administrator, Greg Sanders. Some of PMA Intl’s other networks include , adult children who are victims of family court abuse and DV by Proxy. This network is called Hear Us Now (H.U.N.) which is headed by Samantha Williams. A large number of PMA’s Administrators, State Leaders, International Leaders and Member/Supporters have sons—and we offer our love and support equally to our sons as we do to our daughters.

PMA INTL is not against fathers; we are against abusive fathers, just as we are against abusive mothers. This is the heart of our No Abuse Zone policy.

Although our specialty and mission statement is working with abused mothers, this not mean that we have an agenda against men, or that we are anti-father or that we are blind to the fact that women and mothers can be abusers too. Just like PMA Intl. understands, there are many organizations helping men but PMA International does not believe all those organizations hate women or are anti-mom; their specialty is just about helping men.

In our experience, there are many groups helping fathers but few helping abused mothers in family court. PMA INTL is an organization that consists of volunteer protective mothers and because of our experience, we saw a need, and decided to step up and help abused mothers and their children.

Statement 5
It has been stated that Lundy Bancroft is only involved in the Mother’s Movement for the money, and that he lacks qualifications to help moms.

PMA INTL. Responds:
Lundy has twenty years of experience specializing in interventions for abusive men and their families. He has also authored many book and scholarly articles. Most important Lundy is a former Co-Director of Emerge, the nation’s first counseling program for men who batter. He has worked with over a thousand abusers directly as an intervention counselor, and has served as clinical supervisor on another thousand cases. He has also served extensively as a custody evaluator, child abuse investigator, and expert witness in domestic violence and child abuse cases. Lundy appears across the United States as a presenter for judges and other court personnel, child protective workers, therapists, law enforcement officials, and other audiences. for more information about Lundy’s experience see below.
Thank you for your time, we appreciate your support. We look forward to continuing our work together for the sake of our children!

PMA International; a family of advocates.

Friday, January 17, 2014


Welcome to PMA International’s ” Unstoppable Mothers”

Protective Mothers Alliance International (PMA) has launched “Unstoppable Mothers”, a powerful photo and essay project to give voice to Protective Mothers and their Children.

The photos depict the loss and grief a Protective Mother experiences when she is forcibly separated from her child(ren) due to family court injustice, or the events she missed in the life of her child.

The essays are common real life family court situations with Protective Mothers telling the most outrageous action a judge took in her case. OR, a Mother sharing what she has missed most about not being in her child’s life.

How Can You Participate?

Protective mothers may send quotes to the comment section on PMA INTL’s Guardian of Truth Blog. A specific page on this blog has been set up just for this project. ( link below)

PMA INTL will put the “Unstoppable Mother’s” quote on a sign and take a picture for the project.

Some signs with quotes will be combined with missed milestone pictures taken by PMA INTL’s talented protective mothers, highlighting their creativity and photography skills.

All signs, quotes, and pictures will be posted on the Unstoppable Mothers’ special page within the “Guardian Of Truth” Blog
(Link below)

Some feedback about “Unstoppable Mothers’” photo and essay project;

“Beautiful photography by talented PMA protective mothers, coupled with heartbreaking real life stories of loss in the mothers’ own words. Another stunning PMA Intl. project to raise awareness. TY Janice, Lundy and all the PMA moms!!”

“Participating in this project was very empowering and gave me hope”

“Thank you for capturing a protective mother’s powerful story through her own words and beautiful pictures .”

“Thank you for giving us moms a voice along with gorgeous visuals from talented protective mothers.”

” Powerful”

Now that we all understand how to participate and what the ground rules are for this project, Protective Mothers’ Alliance International invites you into our project. We ask you to brace yourselves, step slowly , carefully and steal a tiny glimpse , taste a tiny sample bite of what life is like as a protective mother. An unstoppable protective mother, enduring one of the darkest atrocities known in the history of our civilization.
